Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Cogent and Fallacious Reasoning #3 Equal Rights Prevail

Surfing for opinion pieces in my favorite local, online publication I was excited to see a picture of a giant rainbow flag draped across the Washington County Administration Building with the headline that read, "Supreme Court Kicks Can Down the Road. " 

Opinion columnist Dallas Hyland reports that there has been a victory for Equal Rights (not Gay Rights) under the law for all Americans. The article explains that Constitutional Law has been upheld by the Supreme Court which chose not to hear appeals on same sex marriage, making the states’ federal court rulings stand. Same sex marriage is again legal in Utah. The straight forward facts of the article remind us that attempting to impose our opinions or religious beliefs on others through legislation is a slippery slope, and one we should avoid as going down that path could easily result in the same type of discrimination being used against us.

Although it is clear that the author has strong opinions that are unpopular for this area, he uses cogent reasoning and prompts readers to think critically.

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